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Cancer Support and Information

Cancer is a condition where cells in a particular part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably. The cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs.

Early diagnosis and treatment are important. If a GP suspects you may have cancer we may refer you to have tests or see a hospital specialist. You should not have to wait more than two weeks for this appointment, and we will send you information on what to expect with your referral.

If you are diagnosed with cancer, we will aim to call you within a few weeks to see how you are. If you are worried in the meantime, please do contact us.

Within the practice we have a named non-clinical ‘Cancer Champion’ to support our cancer patients. They can assist with all manner of prescription queries, chasing hospital letters / appointments and any social issues you may need support with.

Below are some websites which you may find useful:-

Macmillan Cancer Free help line 0808 808 2020 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

CancerHelp UK

Young Lives Vs Cancer 

Association for Children with life-threatening or Terminal conditions and their families (ACT)

Teenage Cancer Trust

Support for teenagers when a parent has cancer

Overview of Cancer