Pharmacy First

Pharmacy first is a convenient new NHS service that is now available for patients across Liverpool. It allows people to walk straight into their nearest pharmacy and access prescription medicines and treatments for a number of minor conditions, without needing to contact or see a GP first.

People can seek prescription treatment for a number of common symptoms including sore throat; urinary infections; eye infections (conjunctivitis); oral thrush in babies; impetigo; mild skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema or insect bite reactions; nappy rash for babies; minor cuts, burns and scalds. 

To start using the service, simply drop into any Liverpool pharmacy and ask about treatment for any of these conditions under 'Pharmacy First'. Any treatment provided under 'Pharmacy First' is completely free for people who don't pay for their prescriptions, and charged at the normal prescription rate for those who do. Parents and carers can access the service with their child or young person. 

See this Patient Information booklet for more information.